ALBÁNSKO Ministry of Foreign Affairs TIRANA |
Fax: +011 355 43 62084 |
ANDORA Minist?re de l’Économie et des FinancesKontaktná osoba: Laura VILELLA MILS Directrice du Département de l’Économie Gouvernement d’Andorre AD500 Andorra la Vella |
AZERBAJDŽAN Azeravtonagliyyat Block 1054 Tbilisi av. 370602 BAKU |
Tel. +899 22 98 56 09, +899 22 31 91 11 Fax: +899 22 98 38 19 |
BELGICKO Service public fédéral (SPF) Mobilité et Transports Transport terrestre Direction Navigation Intérieure Service Sécurité de Marchandises Dangereuses et Sureté City Atrium rue du progr?s 56 B – 1210 BRUXELLES |
Tel: +32 2 277 3901/02/03/04/05 Fax: +32 2 277 4050 E-mail: info.adr@mobilit.fgov.be |
Látky triedy 1 Service public fédéral Economie North Gate III. Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 16 B – 1000 BRUXELLESLátky triedy 7 Minist?re de la Santé Publique Administration de l’hygi?ne publique Service de la Protection contre les radiations ionisantes Ravenstein 36 B – 1000 BRUXELLES |
Tel. +32 02 277 77 12 Fax. +32 02 277 54 14 E-mail: explo@elonomie.fgov.be Tel. +32 2 289 21 11 Fax: +32 2 289 21 12 E-mail: guy.lourtie@fanc.fgov.be |
BIELORUSKO Committee of the Republic of Belarus for ensuring the safe performance of work in Industry and Atomic Energy (Promatomnadzor) SU – 220108 MINSK Chairman: Mr. Vladimir Ivanovich YATSEVICHKontaktná osoba: Mr. Ivan Ivanovic VLASOV Chief of Inter-Branch Inspectorate for the safe carriage of dangerous goods by motor vehicle |
Tel. +375 172 78 43 00 Fax. +375 172 78 43 02 Tel./Fax. +375 172 78 43 45 |
BOSNA A HERCEGOVINA Ministry of Communication and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministarstvo komukacija i transporta BiH Trq BiH br.1 71000 SARAJEVO |
Tel. +387 (33) 284 750 Fax. +387 (33) 284 751 |
BULHARSKO Ministry of Transport Executive Agency Road Transport Administration 5, Gurko Str. SOFIA 1000Látky triedy 1 Chief Directorate of „Protection Police“Ministry of intrior Knyaginya maria Luisa Blvd. 114 BG – 1233 SOFIALátky triedy 7 Nuclear Regulation Agency Shipchensky Prokhod Blvd., No 69 BG – 1574 SOFIA |
Tel. +359 2 930 88 40 Fax. +359 2 988 54 95 E-mail: avto_a@rta.government.bg Tel. +359 2 382 22 31 Fax. +359 2 83 56 77 E-mail: bvasilev.150@mvr.bg Tel. +359 2 982 4439 E-mail: eangelov.150@mvr.bg Tel. +359 2 940 68 52 Fax. +359 2 940 68 89 E-mail: rumig@bnsa.bas.bg |
CYPRUS Head of Foreign Relations Department Ministry of Communications and Works 28, Acheon Str. Ayios Andreas 1414 NICOSIA |
Tel: +357 2 800122 Fax: +357 2 575462 |
ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Ministry of Transport Nábř. Ludvíka Svobody 12 PO BOX 9 CZ – 110 15 PRAGUE 1 – Nové MěstoLátky triedy 7 State Office for Nuclear Safety Senovážné náměstí 9 CZ – 110 00 PRAGUE 1 |
Tel. +420 2251 131 271 Fax. +420 2251 131 117 E-mail: Lubos.Rajdl@mdcr.cz Tel. +420 221 624 666 Fax. +420 221 624 398 E-mail: Vlastimil.Duchacek@sujb.cz |
ČIERNA HORA Minister of Maritime Affairs and Transportation and Telecommunications Rimski trg br.46 81000 PODGORICA |
DÁNSKO The Ministry of Justice Slotsholmsgade DK – 1216 K?benhavn KLátky triedy 7 National Institute of Radiation Hygiene Knapholm 7 DK – 2730 HERLEV |
Tel. +45 72 26 84 00 Fax. +45 33 95 69 48 E-mail: jm@jm.dk Tel. +45 44 54 34 54 Fax. +45 44 54 34 50 E-mail: sis@sis.dk |
ESTÓNSKO Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Road and Railways Department 11, Harju 15072 TALLIN |
Tel. +372 625 6499 Fax. +372 631 3660 E-mail: info@mkm.ee |
FÍNSKO Ministry of Transport and Communications P.O.Box 31 FIN – 00023 Government Office: ETELAESPLANADI 16-18 HelsinkiLátky triedy 7: Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety PO Box. 14 FIN-00881 Helsinki |
Tel. +358 9 160 28563 Fax. +358 9 160 28597 E.mail: Seija.Miettinen@mintc.fi Tel: +358 9 759 881 Fax: + 358 9 759 88500 |
FRANCÚZSKO Minist?re du d?veloppernent durable DGPR/SRT/SDRA Mission Transport des mati?res dangereuses Arche Nord F – 92055 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEXLátky triedy 7 Autorité de sűreté nucléaire 6, place du Colonel Bourgoin F – 75512 PARIS Cedex 12 |
Tel. +33 1 40 81 17 28 Fax. +33 1 40 81 10 65 E-mail: mtmd.sdra.srt.dgpr@ developpement-durable.gouv.fr Tél: +33 1 43 19 70 20 Fax: +33 1 43 19 70 27 http://www.asn.fr |
GRÉCKO Ministry of Transport and Communications Anastaseos 2 & Tsigante10191 Papagoukontaktná osoba : Evdokia Evangelatou |
Tel: +30 210 650 8513, +30 210 650 8514, +30 210 650 8506, +30 210 650 8506 Fax: +30 210 650 8495 E-mail: e.evangelatou@yme.gov.gr, a.latsinos@yme.gov.gr |
HOLANSKO Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management Directorate-General for Civil Aviation and Freight Transport Continental Transport Unit Safety Plesmanweg 1 P. O. Box 20904 NL – 2500 EX The HagueTrieda 7 NL AGENCY : |
Tel: +31 70 456 6264 Fax: +31 70 456 1111 E-mail: enr@minienm.nl, dangerousgoods@minvenw.nl Tel : +31 70 379 6013 E-mail: postbus.transport_klasse7@minez.nl Tel : +31 88 602 5812 Fax : +31 88 602 9023 E-mail: ralingsbescherming@agentschapnl.nl |
CHORVÁTSKO Minister of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Road Transport Directorate Prisavlje 14, 10000 ZAGREB Kont. osoba: Mr. Vjekoslav Bolanča, senior Adviser alebo Mr. Igor Maly, Deputy Minister |
Tel. +385 1 616 9417 Fax. +385 1 619 5941 E-mail: vjekoslav.bolanca@mppv.hr Tel: +385 1 616 90 50 Fax: +385 1 619 59 41 |
ÍRSKOPríslušný orgán pre triedy 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 ADR 5th Floor Health & Safety Authority Metropolitan Building James Joyce Street DUBLIN 1Látky triedy 1 Chief Government Inspector of Explosives Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform 94 St. Stephens Green DUBLIN 2Látky triedy 7 Manager, Industrial Section Regulatory Services Division Radilogical Protection Institute of Ireland 3 Clonskeagh Square Clonskeagh Road DUBLIN 14 |
Tel: +353 1 6147015 Fax: +353 1 6147153 E-mail: blaithin_tarpey@hsa.ie Tel: +353 1 6028343 Fax: +353 1 6028374 E-mail: jkcoates@justice.ie Tel: +353 1 2697766(reception) Fax: +353 1 2697437(reception) Tel: +353 1 2066945 (direct) Fax: +353 1 2605797 (direct) |
KAZACHSTAN Ministry of Transport and Communication Mr. Vadim P. Zverkov (Vice-Minister) Abai Avenue 49 473 000 ASTANA |
Tel. +7 317 2 32 63 36 Fax. +7 317 2 32 86 55 E-mail: suleimenov@mail.ru |
LICHTENŠTAINSKO Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications Regierungsgebäude Städtle 49 FL-9490 VADUZ |
Tel. +75 236 60 12 Fax. +75 236 60 28 |
LITVA Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania Gedimino Av. 17, LT 01505 – VILNIUS |
Tel. +370 5 239 38 26 Fax. +370 5 212 43 35 E-mail: g.aukstuoliene@transp.lt, transp@transp.lt |
LOTYŠSKO Ministry of Transport Division of Dangerous Goods Transport and Environmental Protection 3 Gogola Street LV – 1743 RIGA Látky triedy 7 Radiation Safety Centre of the State Environmental Service 23 Rupniecibas Str. LV-1045 RIGA |
Tel. +371 670 28 312 Fax. +371 672 17 180 E-mail: marianna.heislere@sam.gov.lv Tel. + 371 670 84305, +371 670 84306 Fax. + 371 670 84299 E-mail: andrejs.salmins@rdc.wd.gov.lv |
LUXEMBURSKO Minist?re des Transports du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg M. Marco Feltes, inspecteur BP 590 L – 2938 LUXEMBOURG |
Tel. +352 478 44 23 Telex: 1465 civair lu Fax. +352 24 18 17 E-mail: marco.feltes@tr.etat.lu |
MAĎARSKO Ministry of Transport, Telecommuications and Energy (MTTE) P.O. Box 1 H – 1440 BUDAPEST |
Tel. +36 1 471 8363 +36 1 471 8364 Fax. +36 1 471 8372 E-mail: csuhay.marianna@khem.gov.hu, bujdoso.lajos@khem.gov.hu |
MALTA Malta Transport Authority Dangerous Goods Office Sa‘ Maison Road FLORIANA FRN 1612 Látky Triedy 7: Senior Manager (Radiation Protection) Radiation Protection Board c/o Occupational Health &Safety Authority 17, Triq Edgar Ferro PIETA’PTA 1533 |
Tel.: +356 2560 8139 +356 2560 8165 Fax: +356 2560 8187 E-mail: alex.azzopardi@transport.gov.mt, ronalo.attard.pullicino@transport.gov.mt Tel.: +356 2124 7677 Fax: +356 2123 2909 E-mail: paul.brejza@gov.mt |
MAROKO Minist?re des Affaires Étrang?res et de la Coopération Avenue Roosevelt RABAT |
Tel. + 37 76 28 41 + 37 76 11 23, 37 76 15 83 Fax. + 37 76 55 08 + 37 76 46 79 E-mail: ali@maec.gov.ma |
MOLDAVSKÁ REPUBLIKA Ministry of Transport Foreign Relations Division 12 A Bucuriey St. MD – 277004 CHISINAU |
Tel. +37 32 74 07 05 Fax. +37 32 62 48 75 |
NEMECKO Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development Division „Transport of Dangerous Goods“ (UI33) Robert Schuman Platz 1 Postfach 20 01 00 D – 53175 BONN |
Tel. +49 228 300 2640 Fax. +49 228 300 3428 +49 228 300 3429 E-mail:Helmut.Rein@bmvbs.bund.de, ref-ui33@bmvbs.bund.de |
NÓRSKO Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Plannig P.O.Box 2014 N – 3101 T?NSBERG Látky triedy 7 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority |
Tel. +47 33 41 2500 Fax. +47 333 10 660 E-mail: postmottak@dsb.no http://www.dsb.no/farligods http://www.nrpa.no |
POĽSKO Ministry of Transport Chalubinskiego 4/6 PL – 00-928 WARSZAWA Kontaktná osoba: Mr Stefan Krawczyk Pawel Holownia Látky triedy 7 National Atomic Energy Agency ul. Krucza 36 PL – 00-921 WARSZAWA Adresy na získanie schválenia a oznamovania Department for Regulatory Control of Radiation Aplications ul. Konwaliowa 7 PL-03-194 WARSZAWA |
Tel. +48 22 630 17 16 Fax. +48 22 630 12 02 E.mail: info.td@mi.gov.pl Tel. + 4822 630 17 16 Fax : +4822 630 1202 E.mail: pholownia@mt.gov.pl Tel. +48 22 628 27 22 Fax. +48 22 629 01 64 Tel: +48 22 67 69 707 Fax. +48 22 61 44 252 E-mail: tadeusz.dziubiak@paa.gov.pl |
PORTUGALSKO Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres Avenida das Forcas Armadas, 40 P – 1649-022 LISBOA |
Tel. +351 21 794 90 00 + 351 21 794 90 18 + 351 21 794 90 19 Fax. +351 21 797 37 77 E-mail: jafranco@imtt.pt |
RAKÚSKO Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie Verwaltungsbereich Verkehr Abteilung II/ST8 Radetzkystrasse 2 A – 1030 VIENNA |
Tel. +43 1 711 6265 5880 Fax. +43 1 711 6265 5725 E-mail: othmar.krammer@bmvit.gv.at |
RUMUNSKO Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism 38, Dinicu Golescu, Ave., Sector 1 RO – 010873 BUCHAREST Látky triedy 7: National Commission for the Control of the Nuclear Activities, Ministry of Environment and Water Management 14, Libertatii Ave., Sector 5 RO-050706 BUCHAREST |
Tel: +40 21 313 9954 Web site: http://www.mt.ro Tel: +40 21 411 1436 Fax: +40 21 316 1436 Web site: http://www.cncan.ro |
RUSKÁ FEDERÁCIA Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Mr. Leonid N. Sokolov Chief of division Department of the state policy in the field of road facilities, road and Urban passenger transport, geodesy and cartography Staraya Basmannaya 11 MOSCOW |
Tel. +7 (495) 542 7171 Fax: +7 (495) 542 7171 E-mail: SherstnevAY@mintrans.ru |
SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA Minist?re des Transports, de la Poste et des Télécommunications Section du Transport routier Nám. slobody 6 P.O. Box 100 SK – 810 05 BRATISLAVA |
Tel. +421 2 594 94 716 Fax. +421 2 524 42 202 E-mail: stefan.sabanos@telecom.gov.sk, milos.dunajsky@mindop.sk |
SLOVINSKO Ministry of the Interior Stefanova 2 SLO – 1501 LJUBLJANA |
Tel. +386 1 478 82 94 Fax. +386 1 478 87 54 E-mail: alojz.habic@policija.si |
SRBSKO Ministry for Capital Investments of the Republic of Serbia Nemanjina 22-26 11000 BELGRADE |
ŠPANIELSKO Dangerous Goods Commission (8 planta) Ministerio de Fomento Paseo de la Castellana, 67 E – 28 071 MADRID |
Tel. +34 91 597 7548 Fax. +34 91 59750 27 E-amil: Icalleja@fomento.es, mercancias.peligrosas@fomento.es |
ŠVAJČIARSKO Office fédéral des routes Regles de la circulation M. D.M. GILABERT CH – 3003 BERN Materiál triedy 7 Schválenie osobitnej formy. Výpočet neznámej hodnoty A. Povolenie a schválenie na všetky typy kusov B, kusov so štiepnym materiálom, odoslanie a osobitné dohody: Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate Transport and Waste Management Section CH – 5232 VILLIGEN – HSK |
Tel. +41 31 323 42 90 E-mail: david.gilabert@astra.admin.ch Tel. +41 56 310 38 11 +41 56 310 39 88 Fax. +41 56 310 39 07 |
Import, export, doprava a tranzitné licencie na jadrový material a jadrové odpady Federal Office of Energy Nuclear Energy Section CH – 3003 BERN Kópia použitia: Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate Transport and Waste Management Section CH – 5232 VILLIGEN – HSK Licencie na import/export nejadrových a dopravných licencií na rádioaktívny material Federal Office of Public Health Division of Radiation Protection CH – 3003 BERN |
Tel. +41 31 322 56 32 +41 31 322 56 31 Fax. +41 31 322 00 78 Tel. +41 31 322 96 14 +41 31 322 96 06 Fax. +41 31 322 83 83 |
ŠVÉDSKO Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) S – 65181 KARLSTAD Materiál na triedu 7 Swedish Radiation Protection Authority S – 171 16 STOCKHOLM |
Tel. +46 (0) 771 240 240 Fax. +46 (0) 10 240 5600 E-mail: registrator@msb.se http://www.msb.se Tel. +46 8 7 29 71 00 (switchboard) Fax. +46 8 7 29 71 08 |
BÝVALÁ REPUBLIKA JUHOSLÁVIE MACEDÓNIA Minister of Transport and Communications Ul. Vasil Djorgov br. 35 MK – 91000 SKOPJE |
E-mail: nikiforovic@mtc.gov.mk |
TALIANSKO Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Dipartimento Transporti Terrestri Direzione Generale per la Motorizzazione Via G. Caraci 36 I – 00157 ROME Divissione 1 (international aspects) Divissione 3 (national implementation) Látky triedy 7 Instituto Superior per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) Via V. Brancati 48 I – 00144 ROME |
Tel. +390 6 41 58 6228 +390 6 41 58 6233 Fax. +390 6 41 58 3253 E-mail: a.simoni@imit.gov.it, antonio.erario@mit.gov.it Tel: +390 6 41 58 6138 Fax:+390 6 41 58 6116 E-mail: claudio.michele@mit.gov.it, pasquate.gallo@mit.gov.it Tel. +39 06 5007 2978 Fax. +39 06 5007 2941 E-mail: sandro.trivelloni@isprambiente.it |
TUNISKO Minist?re du Transport BP 179 Tunis Carthage 2035 Látky triedy 1 Minist?re de l’Interieur et du Développement Local pour le transport des produits de la classe 1 Látky triedy 7 Minist?re de la Santé Publique: Centre de Radioprotection: Hopital d’enfants Bab Saadoun, Tunis Bab Souika 1006 |
Tel. +21671772110 Fax. +21671807203 Tel.+21671568628 Tel.+21671577774 Fax. +21671571697 |
TURECKO Ministry of Transport and Communication Directorate General for Land Transport Hakki Turayliç Cad. No:5 Emek ANKARA 06338 Kontaktné osoby: Nurhan Tüfekçioglu Gülsah Aytekin Eren Anlar |
Fax: +90 312 231 51 89 Tel: +90 312 232 38 53 Email: iisik@udhb.gov.tr Tel: +90 312 232 38 49 Email: gulsah.aytekin@udhb.gov.tr Tel: +90 312 232 38 49 Email: eren.anlar@udhb.gov.tr |
UKRAJINA Ministry of Transport Main Departament of Safety and Transport Schorsa ul. 7/9 UKR – 09688 KYIV |
Tel : +38 044 226 22 04 Fax. +38 044 486 72 06 E-mail: portal@mtv.gov.ua www.mintrans.gov.ua |
VEĽKÁ BRITÁNIA Department of Transport Dangerous Goods Branch Second Floor Great Minster House 76 Marsham Street UK – LONDON SW1P 4DR Kontakt na zatriedenie látok a predmetov triedy 1 Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Explosives Health & Safety Executive 1st Floor St Anne’s House University Road Stanley Precinct Bootle Merseyside, L20 3RA Kontakt na špecifické otázky triedy 7 Transport Radiological Adviser, Radioactive Materials Transport Division, Zone 2/33, Great Minster House, 76, Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DR |
Tel: +44 (0) 20 79 44 2755 Fax: +44 (0) 20 79 44 2039 E-mail: dangerousgodos@dft.gsi.gov.uk Tel: +44 (0) 151 951 4025 Fax: +44 (0) 151 951 3891 Tel: +00 44 (0) 20 7944 5768 Fax: +00 44 (0) 20 7944 2187 E-mail: ca@dft.gsi.gov.uk |